How to publish FuelPHP on web hosting?

by , in category: Third Party Scripts , 10 months ago

How to publish FuelPHP on web hosting?

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1 answer


by ryleigh , 10 months ago 

To publish a FuelPHP application on a web hosting, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Choose a web hosting provider: Select a web hosting provider that supports PHP and meets the system requirements for running FuelPHP. Ensure that the provider offers PHP version 5.4 or higher.
  2. Purchase a hosting plan: Sign up for a hosting plan that suits your requirements. Consider factors like storage space, bandwidth, server reliability, and customer support.
  3. Connect to your hosting account: Obtain the necessary login credentials for your hosting account, such as FTP or SSH access. These details are usually provided by the hosting provider upon signup.
  4. Prepare your FuelPHP project: Before uploading your project, ensure that it is well-configured for the hosting environment. Make necessary changes to the database configuration and other environment-specific settings in the fuel/app/config directory.
  5. Transfer files to the hosting server: You can use either FTP or SSH to transfer your local FuelPHP files to the hosting server. Connect to your hosting account using an FTP client or SSH client like FileZilla or PuTTY, respectively. Upload your project files to the web server's root directory or a specific folder as desired.
  6. Set up the database: Create a database on your hosting provider's control panel and import your local database into it using phpMyAdmin or any other MySQL management tool. Update the database configuration in your FuelPHP project to reflect the new database details.
  7. Verify the installation: Open your web browser and navigate to your FuelPHP application's URL. If everything is configured correctly, you should see your application running.
  8. Debug and troubleshoot: If you encounter any issues, check the error logs provided by the hosting provider or enable FuelPHP's logging functionality to identify and resolve any problems.

Remember to consider security best practices, such as securing your application with an SSL certificate and regular updates of both FuelPHP and other dependencies.