How to launch Caligrafy on DigitalOcean?


by shyann , in category: Third Party Scripts , 8 months ago

How to launch Caligrafy on DigitalOcean?

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1 answer


by lizzie , 8 months ago


To launch Caligrafy on DigitalOcean, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Droplet: Log into your DigitalOcean account and click on the "Create" button to create a new Droplet.
  2. Choose the Droplet configuration: Select the desired Droplet configuration, such as the amount of RAM, CPU, and disk space, depending on your requirements. You can choose any OS that is supported by Caligrafy.
  3. Choose the datacenter region: Select the datacenter region closest to your target audience or your location.
  4. Choose additional options (optional): You can configure additional options like private networking, backups, monitoring, etc., depending on your requirements.
  5. Add SSH keys (optional): If you have SSH keys configured on your computer, you can add them to the Droplet to enable secure SSH access.
  6. Choose a hostname: Enter a hostname for your Droplet, or you can leave it as the default.
  7. Select the Caligrafy image: In the "Choose Image" section, click on the "One-Click Apps" tab and select the Caligrafy image from the available options.
  8. Select the plan: Choose the pricing plan based on your requirements and budget.
  9. Choose the storage size: Select the desired storage size based on the amount of data you will be handling.
  10. Select the VPC network and tag Droplets (optional): If you have a VPC network set up in DigitalOcean, you can choose it or add tags to the Droplet for better organization.
  11. Enable monitoring (optional): Enable monitoring for your Droplet if you want to track its performance.
  12. Enable backups (optional): Enable regular automated backups to protect your data.
  13. Choose the quantity of Droplets: Specify the quantity of Droplets you want to create.
  14. Choose additional settings (optional): Configure any additional settings as required, such as user data, user scripts, etc.
  15. Click on "Create Droplet" to launch Caligrafy: Review all the configurations and click on the "Create Droplet" button to launch Caligrafy on DigitalOcean.

Once the Droplet is created, you will receive an email with the login credentials and the IP address of your Droplet. You can then access Caligrafy by SSH-ing into your Droplet using the provided credentials.