How to create a new migration in Symfony?


by jasen , in category: PHP Frameworks , a year ago

How to create a new migration in Symfony?

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2 answers


by kadin , a year ago


To create a new migration in Symfony, you can follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have the DoctrineMigrationsBundle installed in your Symfony project. You can do this by running the following command:composer require doctrine/doctrine-migrations-bundle
  2. Once you have the bundle installed, you can create a new migration by running the following command:bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff This command will generate a new migration file in the src/Migrations directory of your project. The filename will be in the format Version{timestamp}.php, where {timestamp} is the current timestamp.
  3. Open the new migration file and add the necessary changes to the database schema. You can use Doctrine's schema builder to create tables, add columns, indexes, foreign keys, etc.
  4. After you have made your changes, you need to apply the migration to the database by running the following command:bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate This command will execute all the pending migrations in the correct order.

That's it! Your new migration should now be applied to the database schema.


by aubrey , 8 months ago


This should create a new migration in Symfony.