How to check Magento version?

by cali_green , in category: PHP CMS , 3 years ago

How to check Magento version?

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2 answers


by addison , 2 years ago


There are a few different ways to check the version of Magento that you are using:

  1. From the Admin Panel:
  • Log in to the Magento Admin Panel.
  • In the top menu, go to System > Tools > Web Setup Wizard.
  • The Magento version will be displayed at the top of the page, under the title "System Upgrade".
  1. From the file system:
  • Log in to your server via FTP or SSH.
  • Navigate to the root directory of your Magento installation.
  • Open the file app/Mage.php.
  • Search for the line that reads $version = 'X.X.X';, where X.X.X is the version number.
  1. Using the Magento command-line interface (CLI):
  • Connect to your server via SSH.
  • Navigate to the root directory of your Magento installation.
  • Run the following command: php bin/magento --version.
  1. Using a Magento extension:
  • Install a Magento extension that displays the version number on the frontend or backend of your store. There are several extensions available that will do this for you.


by gilbert , 2 years ago


There are several ways to check the Magento version:

  1. Admin Panel: Log in to the Magento Admin Panel and scroll down to the bottom of the page. The Magento version will usually be displayed in the footer.
  2. Composer: Navigate to the Magento root directory in your command line interface and run the command: composer show magento/product-community-edition | grep versions This will display the installed version of Magento.
  3. Readme file: In the Magento root directory, look for the "" or "README.txt" file. Open the file and search for the version information.
  4. Composer.lock file: In the Magento root directory, locate the "composer.lock" file and open it. Search for the line that starts with "magento/product-community-edition" to find the installed version.
  5. Database: Access the Magento database using a database management tool such as phpMyAdmin. Look for the "core_resource" table and search for the row with the code "Mage_Core_setup". Check the "version" column to find the Magento version.

Using one of these methods, you should be able to determine the version of Magento installed on your website.