Where to install Zabbix server on Google Cloud?

by wilmer.lemke , in category: Third Party Scripts , a year ago

Where to install Zabbix server on Google Cloud?

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1 answer

by elise_daugherty , a year ago


You can install the Zabbix server on Google Cloud by creating a virtual machine instance and choosing a suitable operating system. Here are the steps to install Zabbix server on Google Cloud:

  1. Login to the Google Cloud Console (https://console.cloud.google.com).
  2. Create a new virtual machine instance by going to Compute Engine > VM Instances and clicking on the "Create" button.
  3. Choose a name for the instance and select the desired region and zone.
  4. Select the machine type based on your requirements.
  5. Choose an operating system image. You can use a Debian-based image like Debian, Ubuntu, or CentOS as they are compatible with Zabbix.
  6. Configure the boot disk size and networking options as per your needs.
  7. Enable the HTTP or HTTPS traffic in the firewall settings, depending on your server configuration.
  8. Click on the "Create" button to create the virtual machine instance.
  9. Once the instance is created, SSH into the virtual machine using a secure shell client.
  10. Update the system packages by running the appropriate package manager command, such as "sudo apt update" or "sudo yum update".
  11. Install the Zabbix server software by following the instructions provided by the Zabbix documentation for your chosen operating system. Typically, this involves adding the Zabbix repository, installing the necessary packages, and configuring the server.
  12. Configure the Zabbix server by editing the configuration file located in the /etc/zabbix/ directory.
  13. Start the Zabbix server service by running the appropriate command, such as "sudo systemctl start zabbix-server" or "sudo service zabbix-server start".
  14. Access the Zabbix web interface by opening a web browser and entering the IP address or hostname of your virtual machine instance.
  15. Follow the Zabbix setup wizard to complete the initial configuration and create a Zabbix administrator account.
  16. Once the setup is complete, you can start monitoring your infrastructure using Zabbix.

Note: Make sure to refer to the Zabbix documentation for detailed instructions specific to your operating system and version.