Where can I deploy CodeIgniter on HostGator?


by addison , in category: Third Party Scripts , 10 months ago

Where can I deploy CodeIgniter on HostGator?

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1 answer


by ryleigh , 10 months ago


You can deploy CodeIgniter on HostGator by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your HostGator cPanel.
  2. Scroll down to the "Software" section and click on "Softaculous Apps Installer".
  3. In the Softaculous Apps Installer dashboard, you will find a search bar. Search for "CodeIgniter".
  4. Click on the CodeIgniter option that appears in the search results.
  5. On the CodeIgniter installation page, click on the "Install Now" button.
  6. Configure the installation by providing the necessary details such as the domain where you want to install CodeIgniter, the directory (if you want to install it in a subdirectory), and other settings.
  7. Once you've configured the installation options, click on the "Install" button to start the installation process.
  8. Wait for the installation to complete. Softaculous will provide you with a URL where you can access your newly installed CodeIgniter application.

Note: Make sure you have a compatible hosting plan with HostGator that meets the requirements of CodeIgniter.