What is the best way to use $state in vue.js?


by lew , in category: Javascript , 4 months ago

What is the best way to use $state in vue.js?

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1 answer

by raphael_tillman , 4 months ago


In Vue.js, $state is typically used with Vuex, which is a state management pattern and library for Vue.js applications. Here are some best practices for using $state in Vue.js with Vuex:

  1. Centralized State: Store your application's state data in a centralized store (Vuex store) using the $state object. This allows for easy access and modification of state across different components in your application.
  2. Single Source of Truth: Vuex follows the principle of having a single source of truth for your application's state. Instead of having multiple copies of the same state in different components, use $state to manage the state in a single location.
  3. Mutations: Use mutations to modify the state in a Vuex store. Mutations are synchronous functions that receive the current state as the first argument and the payload as the second argument. Mutations should be used to update the state in a predictable way.
  4. Actions: Use actions to perform asynchronous operations and commit mutations to update the state. Actions are functions that receive a context object with the Vuex store and other parameters. Actions help keep your Vuex store organized and maintain a separation of concerns.
  5. Getters: Use getters to compute derived state from the store's state. Getters allow you to define computed properties based on the state that can be accessed in your components.
  6. Strict Mode: Enable strict mode in your Vuex store to enforce best practices in your application. Strict mode helps catch mutations that are not committed by actions and can help prevent unexpected behavior related to state mutations.

By following these best practices, you can effectively manage your application's state using $state in Vue.js with Vuex and create maintainable and scalable Vue.js applications.