How to use sonarqube to check magento 2 modules?

by edmond_brakus , in category: Third Party Scripts , a day ago

How to use sonarqube to check magento 2 modules?

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1 answer


by orpha , 12 hours ago


SonarQube is a popular tool used for static code analysis to detect bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells in your codebase. To use SonarQube to check Magento 2 modules, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install and configure SonarQube: First, you need to download and install SonarQube on your local machine or a server. Follow the official installation guide to set up SonarQube properly.
  2. Install SonarScanner: SonarScanner is a command-line tool used to analyze projects and send the results to a SonarQube server. You can download and install the SonarScanner tool from the official SonarQube website.
  3. Configure SonarScanner for Magento 2: Once you have installed SonarScanner, you need to configure it to analyze your Magento 2 module code. Create a file in your Magento 2 module directory and specify the required properties such as sonar.projectKey, sonar.sources,, sonar.login, etc.
  4. Run SonarScanner: To analyze your Magento 2 module code with SonarQube, run the SonarScanner command from the terminal in your module directory. This command will scan your code, analyze it, and send the results to the SonarQube server.
  5. View the analysis report: After the analysis is complete, you can log in to the SonarQube dashboard to view the analysis report for your Magento 2 module. The report will show you any detected bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells in your codebase.

By following these steps, you can use SonarQube to check your Magento 2 modules for any potential issues and improve the overall code quality of your project.