How to test for empty values in PHPUnit?


by denis , in category: PHP General , a year ago

How to test for empty values in PHPUnit?

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1 answer


by kadin , a year ago


In PHPUnit, you can use assertions to test for empty values. These assertions check if a value is empty or null.

Here are some examples:

  • To check if a variable is null, use the assertNull() assertion:

  • To check if a string is empty, use the assertEmpty() assertion:

  • To check if an array is empty, use the assertEmpty() assertion:

  • To check if a countable object (e.g., ArrayObject, Collection) is empty, use the assertEmpty() assertion:

Note: $value can be any variable or expression that you want to test.

If the tested value is not empty or null, the assertion will fail and produce an error message indicating the failure.

Remember to include the PHPUnitFrameworkTestCase class at the top of your test file to have access to these assertions.