How to set readonly / disabled input via php?


by aubrey , in category: PHP General , 9 months ago

How to set readonly / disabled input via php?

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2 answers


by rollin , 9 months ago


To set an input field as readonly or disabled using PHP, you can use the "readonly" or "disabled" HTML attribute. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Set input field as readonly:
$readonly = true; // true if you want it to be readonly

<input type="text" <?php echo $readonly ? 'readonly' : ''; ?>>

In the code above, we have a PHP variable $readonly which is set to true. If the variable is true, the input field will have the readonly attribute, making it read-only and not editable. If it's false, the input field will not have the readonly attribute, making it editable.

  1. Set input field as disabled:
$disabled = true; // true if you want it to be disabled

<input type="text" <?php echo $disabled ? 'disabled' : ''; ?>>

Similar to the previous example, we have a PHP variable $disabled which is set to true. If the variable is true, the input field will have the disabled attribute, making it disabled and not editable. If it's false, the input field will not have the disabled attribute and will be editable.

Note: After rendering the HTML, the readonly and disabled attributes are handled by the browser, so setting them using PHP won't prevent users from modifying the field through browser developer tools.

by darrion.kuhn , 8 months ago


It's important to note that PHP is a server-side scripting language and cannot directly set the readonly or disabled attribute of an input field in a rendered HTML page.

However, you can use PHP to conditionally generate the HTML code with the readonly or disabled attribute based on certain conditions. Here's an example:

$readonly = true; // true if you want it to be readonly
$disabled = true; // true if you want it to be disabled

<input type="text" <?php echo $readonly ? 'readonly' : ''; echo $disabled ? 'disabled' : ''; ?>>

In the code above, we have two PHP variables $readonly and $disabled that determine whether the input field should be set as readonly or disabled. The readonly attribute is added to the input field if $readonly is true, and the disabled attribute is added if $disabled is true.

After the PHP code is executed on the server-side and the HTML is rendered, it will generate an input field with the appropriate readonly or disabled attribute based on the values of the PHP variables.