How to set focus on input on the iframe?


by lew , in category: Javascript , 5 months ago

How to set focus on input on the iframe?

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1 answer

by herminia_bruen , 5 months ago


To set focus on an input element within an iframe, you can use JavaScript to target the iframe and then access the input element within it. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:

  1. Get a reference to the iframe element:
const iframe = document.getElementById('myIframe'); // Replace 'myIframe' with the id of your iframe element

  1. Access the input element within the iframe and set focus on it:
iframe.contentWindow.document.getElementById('myInput').focus(); // Replace 'myInput' with the id of your input element within the iframe

Make sure that the iframe and the input element have ids assigned to them so that you can easily reference them in your code. Additionally, it's important to note that depending on the security settings of the iframe and the parent document, you may encounter restrictions when trying to access elements within the iframe from the parent document.

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