In SPARQL, merging data from different sources can be achieved using the UNION operator. The UNION operator allows you to combine the results of multiple SPARQL queries into a single result set. Here is an example of how to merge data using the UNION operator:
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PREFIX ex: <http://example.org/> SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object WHERE { { GRAPH ex:data1 { ?subject ?predicate ?object } } UNION { GRAPH ex:data2 { ?subject ?predicate ?object } } } |
In this example, two different datasets (ex:data1 and ex:data2) are queried using the UNION operator to merge the results into a single result set. The SELECT clause specifies the variables that will be returned in the result set, and the WHERE clause defines the patterns to be matched in each dataset. By using the GRAPH keyword, you can specify the named graph within which the query will be executed.