How to manually rollback a migration in mysql?

by aniya.jaskolski , in category: MySQL , 9 months ago

How to manually rollback a migration in mysql?

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1 answer


by aubrey , 9 months ago


To manually rollback a migration in MySQL, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open the MySQL command-line interface by entering the command mysql -u username -p in the command prompt, replacing username with your MySQL username, and enter your password when prompted.
  2. Switch to the database where the migration was applied by entering the command USE database_name;, replacing database_name with the name of your database.
  3. To view the list of applied migrations, run the following SQL query: SELECT * FROM migrations;
  4. Identify the migration that you want to rollback based on the version number or any other identifying information.
  5. To roll back the migration, execute the appropriate SQL statement based on the migration type. For example: If the migration was a modification of an existing table structure, run the ALTER TABLE statement to revert the changes. If the migration was a creation of a new table, use the DROP TABLE statement to remove the table.
  6. After rolling back the migration, you should also update the migrations table to reflect the rollback. Use the following SQL statement to remove the migration entry: DELETE FROM migrations WHERE version_number = 'your_migration_version'; Replace 'your_migration_version' with the value of the version_number column for the migration you rolled back.
  7. Verify the rollback by running the same query to view the list of migrations as in step 3. The rolled back migration should no longer appear in the results.

By following these steps, you can manually rollback a migration in MySQL. Note that it's essential to exercise caution when performing rollback operations as they can result in data loss or inconsistent database states. It's recommended to have backups and take necessary precautions before proceeding.