How to insert xml data in PostgreSQL?

by elise_daugherty , in category: PHP Databases , 2 years ago

How to insert xml data in PostgreSQL?

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2 answers

by tressie.damore , 2 years ago


To insert XML data into a PostgreSQL database, you can use the INSERT statement with the xml data type.

Here is an example of how you can do this:

INSERT INTO table_name (column_name)
VALUES (XMLPARSE (DOCUMENT '<root><element>value</element></root>'));

In this example, table_name is the name of the table where you want to insert the data, and column_name is the name of the column in which you want to store the XML data. The XMLPARSE function is used to parse the XML data as a document and insert it into the database.

You can also use the xml data type to store XML data in a column of a table, like this:

CREATE TABLE table_name (
    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    xml_data xml

Then, you can insert XML data into the xml_data column using the INSERT statement:

INSERT INTO table_name (xml_data)
VALUES (XMLPARSE (DOCUMENT '<root><element>value</element></root>'));

You can also use the COPY command to import XML data from a file into a table. For example:

COPY table_name (xml_data) FROM '/path/to/file.xml' WITH (FORMAT XML);

This will import the XML data from the file.xml file into the xml_data column of the table_name table.


by rollin , a year ago


To insert XML data into PostgreSQL, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a table in PostgreSQL that has a column of the XML data type. For example, create a table called "xml_data" with an "xml_column" of the XML data type: CREATE TABLE xml_data ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, xml_column XML );
  2. Prepare your XML data in a format that PostgreSQL can parse. Ensure that your XML data is well-formed.
  3. Use the INSERT statement to insert the XML data into the table. There are multiple ways to do this: a. Insert XML directly using the XMLPARSE function. This function parses the XML string and converts it into an XML data type. For example: INSERT INTO xml_data (xml_column) VALUES (XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT 'example')); b. Insert XML data using the XML constructor. This allows you to create an XML data type directly in the VALUES clause. For example: INSERT INTO xml_data (xml_column) VALUES (XML('example')); c. Insert XML data from a file using the XMLPARSE function and the PGREADFILE function. This allows you to read XML data from a file and insert it into the table. For example: INSERT INTO xml_data (xml_column) VALUES (XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT PGREADFILE('/path/to/file.xml')));
  4. Execute the INSERT statement to insert the XML data into the table.
  5. Verify the insertion by querying the table: SELECT * FROM xml_data;

This is a basic example for inserting XML data into PostgreSQL. Depending on your specific requirements, you may need to handle namespaces, extract specific elements or attributes, or use more advanced XML functions provided by PostgreSQL.