How to get more than one parameter using codeigniter?


by lottie , in category: PHP Frameworks , 10 months ago

How to get more than one parameter using codeigniter?

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1 answer

by herminia_bruen , 10 months ago


To get more than one parameter using CodeIgniter, you can use the following methods:

  1. Using URI Segment: You can get multiple parameters from the URI using the uri->segment() method. Here is an example:
$param1 = $this->uri->segment(3);
$param2 = $this->uri->segment(4);

  1. Using Input Class: You can also get multiple parameters from the request using the $this->input->get() or $this->input->post() methods. Here is an example:
$param1 = $this->input->get('param1');
$param2 = $this->input->get('param2');

  1. Using GET or POST Variables: You can also get multiple parameters from the GET or POST variables directly. Here is an example:
$param1 = $_GET['param1'];
$param2 = $_GET['param2'];

By using these methods, you can easily get multiple parameters in CodeIgniter and use them in your controller or model.