How to enable seo-friendly urls in cakephp?

by mallory_cormier , in category: PHP General , 8 days ago

How to enable seo-friendly urls in cakephp?

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1 answer

by scotty_walker , 4 days ago


To enable SEO-friendly URLs in CakePHP, you can follow these steps:

  1. Modify your CakePHP routes: Open your routes.php file located in the config folder of your CakePHP project. Add custom routes for your controllers and actions to create SEO-friendly URLs. For example, you can use Router::connect() to define custom routes.
  2. Modify your controller actions: Make sure your controller actions are properly named and follow RESTful conventions. For example, instead of having an action named view_product() in your ProductsController, consider renaming it to view().
  3. Modify your views: Make sure your views are linked properly to your SEO-friendly URLs. Use the HtmlHelper to generate SEO-friendly links in your views.
  4. Use slugs for SEO-friendly URLs: Consider using slugs for generating SEO-friendly URLs. Slugs are human-readable and search engine-friendly URLs that include keywords relevant to the content of the page.
  5. Configure your .htaccess file: Update your .htaccess file to ensure that CakePHP's routing works properly for SEO-friendly URLs. Make sure that mod_rewrite is enabled on your server and that the appropriate rules are set up in the .htaccess file.

By following these steps, you can enable SEO-friendly URLs in CakePHP and improve the search engine optimization of your website.