To connect to Teradata using PySpark, you need to first make sure you have the required dependencies installed. You will need to have the Teradata JDBC driver available on your machine.
Here is a step-by-step guide to connect to Teradata using PySpark:
spark = SparkSession.builder .appName("TeradataConnection") .config("spark.jars", "/path/to/teradata-jdbc-driver.jar") .getOrCreate() |
df = spark.read .format("jdbc") .option("url", "jdbc:teradata://<host>:<port>/Database=<database>") .option("dbtable", "<table>") .option("user", "<username>") .option("password", "<password>") .load() |
spark.stop() |
By following these steps, you should be able to successfully connect to Teradata using PySpark and perform data operations on Teradata tables.