How to change ascii alphabet to utf-8 in php?

by , in category: PHP General , 10 months ago

How to change ascii alphabet to utf-8 in php?

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2 answers

by cali_green , 10 months ago 

To change ASCII characters to UTF-8 in PHP, you can use the utf8_encode() function. This function converts a string encoded in ISO-8859-1 (or Latin-1) to UTF-8.

Here's an example of how to use utf8_encode():

$asciiString = "Hello, world!";
$utf8String = utf8_encode($asciiString);

echo $utf8String;

In this example, the $asciiString variable contains the ASCII string "Hello, world!". The utf8_encode() function is then used to convert this string to UTF-8, and the result is stored in the $utf8String variable. Finally, the $utf8String variable is echoed, which will display the UTF-8 string "Hello, world!".

It's important to note that if your original string is already encoded in UTF-8, using utf8_encode() will not have any effect. Therefore, it's a good idea to check the encoding of your input string before using this function. You can use the mb_detect_encoding() function to determine the encoding of a string.


by lily , 10 months ago 

Please note that ASCII characters are already a subset of UTF-8, so technically you don't need to convert them. UTF-8 includes support for ASCII characters.

However, if you have a string that is encoded in ASCII and you want to convert it to UTF-8, here's an example:

$asciiString = "Hello, world!";
$utf8String = mb_convert_encoding($asciiString, 'UTF-8', 'ASCII');

echo $utf8String;

In this example, the mb_convert_encoding() function is used to convert the $asciiString from ASCII to UTF-8. The resulting UTF-8 string is then stored in the variable $utf8String. Finally, the converted string is echoed, which will display "Hello, world!".

If you're not sure if the input string is actually in ASCII encoding, you can first check the encoding using mb_detect_encoding() function before performing the conversion.