How to add YouTube videos in React.js?


by lizzie , in category: Javascript , 5 months ago

How to add YouTube videos in React.js?

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1 answer


by larissa , 5 months ago


To add YouTube videos in React.js, follow these steps:

  1. Install the react-youtube library by running the following command: npm install react-youtube
  2. Import the necessary components from the library in your React component: import ReactPlayer from 'react-youtube';
  3. Define the YouTube video ID or URL in your React component's state or props: state = { videoId: 'VIDEO_ID_OR_URL' };
  4. Render the YouTube video using the ReactPlayer component within your React component's render method: render() { return ( ); }

Replace 'VIDEO_ID_OR_URL' with the YouTube video ID or URL you want to display.

That's it! You have successfully added a YouTube video in React.js using the react-youtube library.