How to add entry to /etc/fstab file using php?


by lily , in category: PHP General , 9 months ago

How to add entry to /etc/fstab file using php?

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2 answers


by domenico , 9 months ago


Adding an entry to the /etc/fstab file requires root access and is typically done through the command line or a text editor. It is not recommended to modify system files like /etc/fstab directly from PHP.

However, you can execute system commands from PHP to add an entry to /etc/fstab using the following steps:

  1. Ensure that your PHP script is executed with root privileges. You can accomplish this by running your PHP script using the sudo command or by setting it to run as the root user.
  2. Use the exec() function in PHP to execute the desired command. For example, to add an entry to /etc/fstab, you can use the following command:
$entry = "/dev/sda1 /mnt/mydrive ext4 defaults 0 0";
$command = "echo '$entry' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab";

Here, the $entry variable represents the entry you want to add to the /etc/fstab file. The $command variable constructs the command to execute using the echo and tee commands. The tee command is used to append the entry to the /etc/fstab file using sudo privileges.

  1. Save the PHP script and execute it with root privileges. Make sure that the PHP script has the necessary file permissions and is executed with root privileges for the command to be successful.

Please note that modifying system files like /etc/fstab should be done with caution and proper knowledge to avoid any potential issues with the system.


by jasen , 8 months ago


The execution of system commands with root privileges from a PHP script can be potentially dangerous and can lead to security vulnerabilities. It is generally recommended to use a different approach to achieve your desired functionality.

Instead of directly modifying the /etc/fstab file, you can consider creating a separate configuration file that your PHP script reads and uses to mount the desired disk or device.

Here is a high-level example of how you could achieve this:

  1. Create a configuration file in a secure directory that your PHP script can access, e.g., /etc/myapp/myconfig.conf. Make sure this file has the appropriate file permissions to restrict access.
  2. In your PHP script, use file I/O functions, such as fopen(), fwrite(), and fclose(), to write the entry to the configuration file. Here's an example:
$entry = "/dev/sda1 /mnt/mydrive ext4 defaults 0 0";
$configFile = '/etc/myapp/myconfig.conf';

// Open the configuration file in append mode
$fileHandle = fopen($configFile, "a");
if ($fileHandle) {
    // Write the entry to the configuration file
    fwrite($fileHandle, $entry . PHP_EOL);
    // Close the configuration file
} else {
    // Handle error if file cannot be opened
    echo "Error: Cannot open configuration file.";

  1. After writing the entry to the configuration file, your PHP script can then use the appropriate command or library functions to mount the device, such as mount or inserting a vol_id object, depending on your system configuration.
  2. Remember to implement appropriate error handling and security measures to ensure the secure and reliable execution of your PHP script.

By using this approach, you can separate the PHP script's functionalities from directly modifying sensitive system files, which helps to mitigate potential risks and allows for easier maintenance and troubleshooting.