What is the difference between odata, jsonapi, graphql?

by elise_daugherty , in category: Javascript , 10 months ago

What is the difference between odata, jsonapi, graphql?

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1 answer

by arnoldo.moen , 10 months ago


OData, JSON API, and GraphQL are all data query and manipulation specifications, but they have some key differences:

  1. OData (Open Data Protocol): OData is a protocol for building and consuming RESTful APIs. It defines a set of conventions for querying and manipulating data, including filtering, sorting, paging, and defining relationships between entities. OData supports a wide range of clients and platforms, and it promotes interoperability by providing standardized behavior.
  2. JSON API: JSON API is a specification for building APIs that use JSON as the data format. It focuses on providing a consistent and predictable structure for the API responses. JSON API includes conventions for resource modeling, querying, filtering, sorting, and serialization, aiming to reduce the amount of client-server negotiation required. It is designed to be simple and easy to understand while encouraging best practices.
  3. GraphQL: GraphQL is a query language and runtime for APIs. It allows clients to specify the exact data they need and the structure of the response. Unlike OData and JSON API, GraphQL gives clients more control over the data they receive, enabling efficient and precise queries. It eliminates the problem of over-fetching or under-fetching data by allowing clients to specify their data requirements in a single request.

In summary, OData provides a standardized way of building RESTful APIs with advanced querying capabilities. JSON API focuses on consistent data structures and simplification of API responses. GraphQL revolutionizes the way data is queried, putting the control in the hands of the client and enabling clients to fetch exactly what they need. The choice between OData, JSON API, or GraphQL depends on the specific requirements of the project, the need for standardized behavior, and the desired level of flexibility and control in querying data.