How use <iframe> allow attribute?

by cali_green , in category: Javascript , 2 days ago

How use <iframe> allow attribute?

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1 answer


by jerad , a day ago


The allow attribute in the <iframe> element is used to specify a set of restrictions for the content within the embedded iframe.

Here is an example of how to use the allow attribute in an <iframe> element:

<iframe src="" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media"></iframe>

In the example above, the allow attribute is set to allow autoplay and encrypted media within the iframe. You can specify multiple restrictions by separating them with a semicolon.

Some common values for the allow attribute include:

  • autoplay: Allows automatic playback of audio or video content within the iframe.
  • encrypted-media: Allows playback of encrypted media within the iframe.
  • fullscreen: Allows the iframe to request full screen display.
  • geolocation: Allows access to the user's geographical location.
  • microphone: Allows access to the user's microphone.
  • camera: Allows access to the user's camera.

Make sure to carefully consider which restrictions to allow based on the content of the embedded iframe and the security and privacy implications.