How to validate mustache template with mustache.js?

by scotty_walker , in category: Javascript , 4 months ago

How to validate mustache template with mustache.js?

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1 answer

by edmond_brakus , 4 months ago


To validate a Mustache template with Mustache.js, you can use the Mustache.parse() method. This method takes a template string as input and returns an abstract syntax tree (AST) representation of the template. If there are any syntax errors in the template, the parse() method will throw an error.

Here is an example of how to validate a Mustache template using Mustache.js:

var template = "{{#items}}<li>{{name}}</li>{{/items}}";

try {
  var ast = Mustache.parse(template);
  console.log("Template is valid");
} catch (e) {
  console.error("Template is not valid: " + e.message);

In this example, the template variable contains a Mustache template with a syntax error (missing a closing tag for the #items section). When we try to parse the template using Mustache.parse(), an error will be thrown indicating that the template is not valid.

By using the Mustache.parse() method, you can easily validate Mustache templates in your JavaScript code before attempting to render them, helping to catch any errors early on in the development process.