How to validate data after update in oracle?

by scotty_walker , in category: MySQL , 4 months ago

How to validate data after update in oracle?

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1 answer

by arnoldo.moen , 4 months ago


To validate data after an update in Oracle, you can use a combination of triggers, constraints, and check constraints. Here are some ways to validate data after an update in Oracle:

  1. Triggers: Triggers are automated stored procedures that are invoked in response to specified events, such as an update operation on a table. You can create an AFTER UPDATE trigger that includes validation logic to check the updated data and raise an error if the validation fails.
  2. Constraints: Constraints are rules that can be defined on columns in a table to ensure data integrity. You can define constraints such as NOT NULL, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, and FOREIGN KEY constraints to validate the data after an update operation.
  3. Check constraints: Check constraints are used to limit the range of values that can be inserted or updated in a column. You can define a check constraint on a column to validate the data after an update operation based on specific conditions or expressions.
  4. PL/SQL validation: You can also write custom PL/SQL code to validate the updated data in a trigger or stored procedure. This allows you to implement complex validation logic that cannot be achieved with constraints alone.

Overall, by using a combination of triggers, constraints, and PL/SQL validation, you can effectively validate data after an update in Oracle to ensure data integrity and consistency.