How to use class in like clause in teradata?


by shyann , in category: MySQL , 4 months ago

How to use class in like clause in teradata?

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1 answer


by darion , 4 months ago


In Teradata, you can use the class keyword in a LIKE clause to specify a character class. Here's an example of how to use the class keyword in a LIKE clause:

SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name LIKE '[a-z]%'

In this example, the LIKE clause is looking for values in the column_name column that start with a lowercase letter. The [a-z] class specifies a character class that includes all lowercase letters from a to z.

You can use different character classes in the LIKE clause to match specific patterns in the data. Here are some common character classes you can use in Teradata:

  • [0-9]: Matches any single digit
  • [a-z]: Matches any single lowercase letter
  • [A-Z]: Matches any single uppercase letter
  • [a-zA-Z]: Matches any single letter, either lowercase or uppercase

By using the class keyword in a LIKE clause, you can create more complex and specific patterns to search for in your data.