How to update PHP in linux?


by gilbert , in category: PHP General , 2 years ago

How to update PHP in linux?

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2 answers

by , 2 years ago


To update PHP in Linux, follow these steps:

  1. First, check the current version of PHP that is installed on your system by running the following command:
php -v

  1. Next, check if there is a newer version of PHP available. You can check the official PHP website or your Linux distribution's package manager to find the latest stable version.
  2. Once you have determined that a newer version of PHP is available, you can update it by following the instructions for your Linux distribution.
  3. Here are some examples of how to update PHP on some common Linux distributions:
  • Ubuntu and Debian:

To update PHP on Ubuntu or Debian, you can use the apt-get command. First, update the package index by running:

sudo apt-get update

Then, install the newer version of PHP by running:

sudo apt-get install php

  • CentOS and Red Hat:

To update PHP on CentOS or Red Hat, you can use the yum command. First, update the package index by running:

sudo yum update

Then, install the newer version of PHP by running:

sudo yum install php

  • Fedora:

To update PHP on Fedora, you can use the dnf command. First, update the package index by running:

sudo dnf update

Then, install the newer version of PHP by running:

sudo dnf install php

  1. After the update has completed, you can check the version of PHP again to confirm that it has been updated by running:
php -v

  1. Finally, you may need to restart any services or web servers that are using PHP for the changes to take effect.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

by haylee.mertz , a year ago


To update PHP on a Linux system, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check your current PHP version by running the following command in the terminal: php -v
  2. Update the package manager to ensure that you have the latest software packages available: sudo apt update
  3. Upgrade PHP and its related modules using the package manager. The command will vary depending on your Linux distribution. For Debian-based distributions (such as Ubuntu), use the following command: sudo apt upgrade php For Red Hat-based distributions (such as CentOS), use the following command: sudo yum update php For Arch Linux, use the following command: sudo pacman -Syu
  4. Verify the update by running the following command: php -v The output should show the updated PHP version.

Note: If you are using a different package manager or distribution, consult the documentation specific to your system for the appropriate commands to update PHP.