How to update a single value in redis hash?


by addison , in category: Third Party Scripts , 9 months ago

How to update a single value in redis hash?

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1 answer

by scotty_walker , 9 months ago


To update a single value in a Redis hash, you can use the HSET command followed by the key of the hash, the field you want to update, and the new value.

Here is an example of how to update a single value in a Redis hash:

  1. Connect to your Redis server using the command line interface or a client of your choice.
  2. Run the following command to update a value in a hash:
HSET myhash myfield newvalue

In this example:

  • myhash is the key of the hash you want to update.
  • myfield is the field within the hash that you want to update.
  • newvalue is the new value you want to set for the specified field.

After running this command, the specified field in the hash will be updated with the new value.