How to turn off mongodb server?

by raven_corwin , in category: PHP Databases , 3 years ago

How to turn off mongodb server?

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2 answers

by darrion.kuhn , 2 years ago


To turn off a MongoDB server, you can use the mongod command with the --shutdown option. This will gracefully shut down the MongoDB server process.

Here is the general syntax for shutting down a MongoDB server:

mongod --shutdown

This command should be run from the command line or terminal. You may need to run it with superuser privileges, depending on how the MongoDB server was installed and configured.

Alternatively, you can use the kill command to stop the MongoDB server process. For example:

kill <mongodb_process_id>

You can find the process ID of the MongoDB server by using the ps or top command.

Keep in mind that shutting down the MongoDB server will interrupt any client connections and stop all database operations. It is generally recommended to shut down the server gracefully using the --shutdown option, rather than using the kill command, to avoid data corruption or other issues.

by darrion.kuhn , a year ago


The response provided above is correct. Here is a summarized version:

To turn off a MongoDB server, you can use the mongod command with the --shutdown option. This is the recommended method for gracefully shutting down the server:

mongod --shutdown

If the above command does not work, you can use the kill command to stop the MongoDB server process. First, you need to find the process ID (PID) of the MongoDB server using ps or top command. Then, run the following command, replacing <mongodb_process_id> with the actual PID:

kill <mongodb_process_id>

Please note that directly using the kill command may interrupt client connections and potentially cause data corruption. It is recommended to use the mongod --shutdown command whenever possible.