How to trigger an event on custom elementor button widget?

by hal.littel , in category: PHP CMS , a month ago

How to trigger an event on custom elementor button widget?

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1 answer


by adan , a month ago


To trigger an event on a custom Elementor button widget, you can use jQuery to add a click event listener to the button element. Here's an example code snippet to demonstrate how to trigger an event when the button is clicked:

  1. First, make sure you have created a custom button widget in Elementor.
  2. Add a CSS class to your custom button widget for easy identification. For example, you can add a class named "custom-button" to the button.
  3. Next, add the following script to your theme or custom JavaScript file:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
  // Add click event listener to the custom button widget
  $('.custom-button').on('click', function() {
    // Trigger your custom event or function here
    console.log('Button clicked');
    // Add your custom logic here

  1. Make sure to replace ".custom-button" with the actual CSS class of your custom button widget.
  2. Save the changes and test the button widget on your website. When the button is clicked, the event or function specified in the click event listener will be triggered.

By following these steps, you can easily trigger an event on a custom Elementor button widget using jQuery.