How to to know if two set datatype columns overlap in mysql?

by , in category: MySQL , 8 months ago

How to to know if two set datatype columns overlap in mysql?

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1 answer


by larissa , 8 months ago 

In MySQL, there are several ways to check if two set datatype columns overlap. Here are two common approaches:

  1. Using the FIND_IN_SET function: The FIND_IN_SET function in MySQL is used to search for a value within a set of comma-separated values. You can utilize this function to check if there is any common value between the two set columns.
FROM your_table
WHERE FIND_IN_SET(value, set_column_1) > 0 AND FIND_IN_SET(value, set_column_2) > 0;

Replace your_table, value, set_column_1, and set_column_2 with your actual table name, value to search for, and set column names, respectively.

  1. Using the bitwise AND operator: MySQL supports bitwise operators, which can be used to perform bitwise operations on binary data. You can use the bitwise AND operator & to check if the binary representations of the set columns have any common bits, indicating an overlap.
FROM your_table
WHERE (set_column_1 & set_column_2) > 0;

Replace your_table, set_column_1, and set_column_2 with your actual table name and set column names.

Either of these methods can help you identify the overlapping elements between two set datatype columns in MySQL.