How to sync eclipse project with bitbucket?

by tressie.damore , in category: Third Party Scripts , 4 months ago

How to sync eclipse project with bitbucket?

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1 answer


by ryleigh , 4 months ago


To sync an Eclipse project with Bitbucket, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the EGit plugin in Eclipse by going to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace and searching for "EGit". Install the plugin and restart Eclipse.
  2. Go to the Bitbucket website and create a new repository for your project.
  3. In Eclipse, right-click on your project folder and select Team -> Share Project. Choose Git as the version control system and click Next.
  4. Select the repository you created on Bitbucket as the Git repository and click Finish.
  5. Now your project is connected to the Bitbucket repository. To push your changes to Bitbucket, right-click on your project folder and select Team -> Commit. Enter a commit message and click Commit and Push.
  6. To pull changes from Bitbucket, right-click on your project folder and select Team -> Pull.
  7. You can also create branches, merge changes, and perform other Git operations using the EGit plugin in Eclipse.

With these steps, you can easily sync your Eclipse project with Bitbucket and collaborate with others on your project.