How to stream http m3u8 playlist on https site?


by jerad , in category: PHP General , 10 days ago

How to stream http m3u8 playlist on https site?

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1 answer

by cortez.connelly , 9 days ago


To stream an HTTP M3U8 playlist on an HTTPS site, you will need to ensure that the M3U8 playlist is hosted on a server that supports HTTPS. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

  1. Make sure your M3U8 playlist file is hosted on a server that supports HTTPS. If it is currently hosted on a server that only supports HTTP, you will need to migrate it to an HTTPS-supported server.
  2. Update the URL of the M3U8 playlist file to use the "https://" protocol instead of "http://". For example, if your M3U8 playlist file is hosted at "", you will need to change it to "".
  3. Embed the HTTPS URL of the M3U8 playlist file in the video player on your HTTPS website. You can use HTML5 video tags or a video player plugin to do this. Make sure to configure the video player to support HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) playback.
  4. Test the streaming of the M3U8 playlist on your HTTPS website to ensure it is working as expected. You should be able to play the video seamlessly without any issues.

By following these steps, you should be able to stream an HTTP M3U8 playlist on an HTTPS site successfully.