How to specify a different .env file for phpunit in laravel?

by lindsey.homenick , in category: PHP Frameworks , 10 months ago

How to specify a different .env file for phpunit in laravel?

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1 answer


by lily , 10 months ago


To specify a different .env file for PHPUnit in Laravel, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new .env file in the root of your Laravel project.
  2. Open your phpunit.xml file located in the root of your Laravel project.
  3. Inside the section of the phpunit.xml file, add the following line:
  4. Specify the path to your new .env file within the section as follows:
  5. Update the script section of your phpunit.xml file to include the following: This ensures that the environment variables are set correctly before running the PHPUnit tests.
  6. Save the phpunit.xml file and run your PHPUnit tests using the following command: vendor/bin/phpunit PHPUnit will now use the specified .env file for the tests.