How to skip null and execute query in laravel?


by jasen , in category: PHP Frameworks , 9 months ago

How to skip null and execute query in laravel?

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1 answer

by jasen_gottlieb , 9 months ago


In Laravel, you can skip and handle null values when executing a query using various methods. One common way to skip and handle null values is by using the whereNotNull() method provided by Eloquent:

$data = Model::whereNotNull('column_name')->get();

This query will only fetch rows where the specified column value is not null. If you want to skip null values and still execute the query for all records, you can perform additional filtering using the where() method:

$data = Model::where('column_name', '!=', null)->get();

This query will exclude rows where the specified column value is null. You can also use the orWhere() method to include rows with null values for other columns:

$data = Model::whereNotNull('column_name')
    ->orWhere('column_name', '!=', null)

These are just a few examples of how you can skip null values and execute queries in Laravel. You can customize and combine these methods as needed to achieve the desired results for your specific use case.