To share a session from Laravel to WordPress, you can follow these steps:
- Configure Laravel to use a shared session driver:
In your Laravel project, open the config/session.php file.
Set the 'driver' option to 'cookie'.
Set the 'path' option to '/'.
Set the 'domain' option to your WordPress site's domain, e.g., 'example.com'.
Set the 'same_site' option to 'none'.
- Create a custom WordPress plugin:
Create a new directory in your WordPress plugins directory, e.g., wp-content/plugins/laravel-session.
Inside the laravel-session directory, create a new PHP file, e.g., laravel-session.php.
Open the laravel-session.php file and add the following code:
- Activate the WordPress plugin:
Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
Go to the "Plugins" section and find the "Laravel Session" plugin.
Click the "Activate" button to activate the plugin.
Now, whenever you start a session in Laravel, it will be shared with WordPress. You can access the session data in WordPress using the $_SESSION