To send an email using Gmail SMTP in CodeIgniter, you can use the following code:
First, make sure you have configured CodeIgniter to use an email library such as SMTP. You can do this by updating the 'config' file located at application/config/config.php with your Gmail SMTP details:
$config['protocol'] = 'smtp'; $config['smtp_host'] = 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com'; $config['smtp_port'] = '465'; $config['smtp_user'] = '[email protected]'; $config['smtp_pass'] = 'your_password';
Next, create a controller method where you will send the email:
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public function send_email(){ $this->load->library('email'); $this->email->from('[email protected]', 'Your Name'); $this->email->to('[email protected]'); $this->email->subject('Email Test'); $this->email->message('Testing the email class.'); if($this->email->send()) { echo 'Email sent'; } else { show_error($this->email->print_debugger()); } } |
Don't forget to replace '[email protected]' and 'your_password' with your actual Gmail email address and password. Also, update '[email protected]' with the email address of the recipient.
Now, you can call the 'send_email' method from your browser or any other HTTP client to send an email using Gmail SMTP in CodeIgniter.