How to select an iframe on selenium?

by ryan.murray , in category: Javascript , 13 days ago

How to select an iframe on selenium?

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1 answer

by elisha_langworth , 13 days ago


To select an iframe on Selenium, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the iframe element you want to interact with using any of the available locators (such as id, name, class name, etc.).
  2. Use the switchTo() method in WebDriver to switch to the iframe. You can switch using the following methods: a. By index: driver.switchTo().frame(index) b. By name or ID: driver.switchTo().frame(nameOrId) c. By WebElement: driver.switchTo().frame(WebElement)
  3. Perform the necessary operations within the iframe.
  4. If you need to switch back to the default content, you can use driver.switchTo().defaultContent().