How to run both react.js and django on https?

by cortez.connelly , in category: Third Party Scripts , 4 months ago

How to run both react.js and django on https?

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1 answer


by ryleigh , 4 months ago


To run both React.js and Django on https, you will need to set up a reverse proxy server to handle the https requests and route them to the appropriate backend server for each service. Here is a general outline of the steps you would need to take:

  1. Configure Django to run on https: Install an SSL certificate on your Django server. You can obtain an SSL certificate for free from Let's Encrypt. Update your Django settings to specify the https protocol and secure port (usually 443).
  2. Configure React.js to run on https: If you are using Create React App, you can run your React app on https by setting the HTTPS environment variable to true in your package.json file. If you are using a custom webpack configuration, you will need to update your webpack configuration to use https.
  3. Set up a reverse proxy server: Use a server like Nginx or Apache to act as a reverse proxy server. Configure the reverse proxy server to listen for incoming https requests on port 443. Set up proxy rules to route requests to the Django server for Django endpoints and to the React.js server for React endpoints.
  4. Configure your DNS settings: Update your DNS settings to point your domain to the IP address of your reverse proxy server.
  5. Test: Verify that both Django and React.js are running properly on https by accessing your domain in a web browser.

By following these steps, you should be able to run both React.js and Django on https. Remember to keep your SSL certificates up to date to ensure secure communication between clients and servers.