How to run in xampp?

by elisha_langworth , in category: PHP General , 10 months ago

How to run in xampp?

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1 answer


by rollin , 10 months ago


You cannot directly run ASP.NET applications in XAMPP, as XAMPP is primarily designed to run PHP applications. However, you can still set up a development environment for ASP.NET applications by following these steps:

  1. Install XAMPP: Download and install XAMPP from the Apache Friends website ( according to your operating system.
  2. Install .NET Framework: ASP.NET applications require the .NET Framework to run. Install the appropriate version of the .NET Framework on your system. You can download it from the Microsoft website (
  3. Install Visual Studio: Install Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, which are popular IDEs for developing ASP.NET applications. You can download them from the Microsoft website (
  4. Configure XAMPP: By default, XAMPP runs on port 80. However, IIS (Internet Information Services) also uses port 80 to host ASP.NET applications. To avoid conflicts, you need to change the port on which XAMPP runs. Open the "httpd.conf" file located in the "apacheconf" directory of your XAMPP installation. Search for the line "Listen 80" and modify it to a different port, such as "Listen 8080".
  5. Configure Virtual Host: Open the "httpd-vhosts.conf" file located in the "apacheconfextra" directory of your XAMPP installation. Uncomment or add the following code:
<VirtualHost *:8080>
    DocumentRoot "C:/path/to/your/"
    ServerName localhost

Modify the "DocumentRoot" directive to the path where your ASP.NET application is located.

  1. Start XAMPP: Start the XAMPP control panel and start the Apache server. Make sure that the new port you specified in step 4 is started.
  2. Run the ASP.NET Application: Open your web browser and navigate to "http://localhost:8080" (or the port you specified). This will display your ASP.NET application running in the XAMPP server.

Please note that XAMPP is primarily designed for PHP development, and using it for ASP.NET may not provide the same level of performance and functionality as a dedicated server like IIS.