How to reset a password in oracle?


by kadin , in category: MySQL , 3 months ago

How to reset a password in oracle?

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1 answer

by cali_green , 3 months ago


To reset a password in Oracle, you can follow these steps:

  1. Login to Oracle SQL*Plus using your current username and password.
  2. Use the following SQL command to change the password:

ALTER USER username IDENTIFIED BY new_password;

Replace "username" with the username for which you want to reset the password, and "new_password" with the new password you want to set.

  1. After running the command, the password for the specified user should be reset to the new password.

Alternatively, if you have the necessary privileges, you can also reset a password using the Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control:

  1. Log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control.
  2. Navigate to the Administration tab and click on the "Users" link.
  3. Locate the user for which you want to reset the password and click on the "Edit" button.
  4. Enter the new password in the appropriate field and save your changes.

These are the two common methods to reset a password in Oracle. Make sure you have the necessary privileges to perform these actions.