How to remove '\r\n' from base64 string in oracle?

by haylee.mertz , in category: MySQL , 6 months ago

How to remove '\r\n' from base64 string in oracle?

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1 answer

by lindsey.homenick , 3 months ago


You can use the REPLACE function in Oracle to remove the ' ' characters from a base64 string. Here is an example:

SELECT REPLACE('your_base64_string_here', CHR(13)||CHR(10), '') AS cleaned_base64_string
FROM dual;

Replace 'your_base64_string_here' with the actual base64 string that you want to clean. The CHR(13)||CHR(10) represents the ASCII codes for carriage return and line feed characters, which need to be removed from the base64 string. The REPLACE function will replace all occurrences of these characters with an empty string, effectively removing them from the base64 string.