To redirect HTTP to HTTPS on Akamai, you can create a new behavior rule in the Property Manager. Here are the steps to do so:
- Log in to your Akamai control panel and navigate to the Property Manager.
- Find the property or domain for which you want to redirect HTTP to HTTPS and click on it.
- In the Property Manager, click on the "Behaviors" tab and then click on "Add Behavior Rule."
- Select "Request" as the type of behavior and add a condition to match requests coming in on HTTP (e.g., Hostname: matches: www.example.com and Protocol: is: HTTP).
- Click on the "Add Rule" button and select "Rewrite URL" as the action type.
- In the "Rewrite URL" section, enter the following settings:
Target: $scheme://$host$url
Replace target: Checked
Scheme: https
- Click on the "Create" button to save the behavior rule.
- Publish your changes to apply the redirect rule to your property.
After completing these steps, any HTTP requests coming to your domain will be automatically redirected to HTTPS. It may take some time for the changes to propagate and take effect globally on Akamai's servers.