How to quickly deploy Joomla on Google Cloud?


by shyann , in category: Third Party Scripts , 8 months ago

How to quickly deploy Joomla on Google Cloud?

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1 answer


by samara , 8 months ago


To quickly deploy Joomla on Google Cloud, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account and go to the Cloud Console.
  2. Click on "Navigation menu" (≡) and go to "Compute Engine" > "VM instances".
  3. Click on "Create instance" to create a new virtual machine (VM) instance.
  4. Provide a name for your instance and choose the desired region and zone for your deployment.
  5. Under "Machine configuration", configure the desired machine type, boot disk, and other settings.
  6. Scroll down to the "Firewall" section and select the appropriate network tags and firewall rules for your instance.
  7. Scroll down further to the "Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy" section and click on "Management, disks, networking, etc." to expand the advanced options.
  8. Under the "Custom metadata" section, click on "Add item" and enter "startup-script" as the key. In the value field, provide the script that installs Joomla on your instance. You can use the following script:

#!/bin/bash apt-get update apt-get install -y apache2 php mysql-server php-mysql systemctl start apache2 systemctl enable apache2

wget apt-get install -y unzip unzip mv ./administrator ./includes ./language ./libraries ./modules ./plugins ./templates ./xampp ./xmlrpc index.php /var/www/html/ chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/

  1. After entering the script, click on "Create" to create the instance.
  2. Once the instance is created, you can access it by clicking on the SSH button next to the instance name.
  3. In the SSH terminal, run the following command to give appropriate permissions to the Joomla installation: sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/ sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/ sudo systemctl restart apache2
  4. Finally, you can access your Joomla website by entering the external IP address of your instance in a web browser.

Note: Make sure to update the Joomla download link in the script with the latest stable version if needed.