How to query nested data in redis

by , in category: Third Party Scripts , 9 months ago

How to query nested data in redis

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1 answer

by darrion.kuhn , 9 months ago 

To query nested data in Redis, you can use the HGETALL command to retrieve all fields and values of a hash. If the nested data is stored as a nested hash, you can use the HGET command to retrieve a specific field value from the nested hash.

For example, suppose you have a hash called "user" with nested data for the user's profile:

HSET user name "John Doe"
HSET user profile:email "[email protected]"
HSET user profile:address "123 Main St"

To query the user's name, email, and address, you can use the following commands:


This will return all fields and values of the "user" hash, including the nested data for the user's profile.

If you want to query only the user's email from the nested data, you can use the following command:

HGET user profile:email

This will return the value of the "email" field from the nested hash within the "user" hash.

Overall, you can use the HGETALL and HGET commands to query nested data in Redis hashes.