How to prevent gmail from converting text to url?

by jasen_gottlieb , in category: Third Party Scripts , 3 months ago

How to prevent gmail from converting text to url?

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1 answer

by raven_corwin , 2 months ago


If you are experiencing Gmail automatically converting text to URLs, there are a few steps you can take to prevent this:

  1. Use quotation marks: Enclosing the text in quotation marks can prevent Gmail from automatically converting it to a URL. For example, instead of typing, try typing "".
  2. Precede with a space: Adding a space before typing the text can also prevent Gmail from turning it into a URL. For example, instead of typing, try typing a space before the text like this:
  3. Disable link detection: If you are still having issues with Gmail converting text to URLs, you can try disabling the link detection feature in your Gmail settings. To do this, go to Gmail settings, click on the "General" tab, and look for the "Link detection" option. Uncheck the box next to it to disable this feature.

By following these steps, you should be able to prevent Gmail from automatically converting text to URLs.