How to pass query string in vue.js?

by aniya.jaskolski , in category: Javascript , 10 months ago

How to pass query string in vue.js?

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1 answer


by lottie , 10 months ago


In Vue.js, you can pass a query string using the router-link component or programmatically using the router.push() method. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Using router-link component: Import router from your router file: import router from './router'; In your component template, use the router-link component with the to prop including the query string:
  2. Programmatically using router.push(): Import router from your router file: import router from './router'; In your component method, use the router.push() method to navigate to a route with the query string: this.$router.push({ path: '/path', query: { key: 'value' }});

After passing the query string, you can access it in the target component using this.$route.query.key where key is the query parameter name.