How to pass arguments to a function in PHP?


by mac , in category: PHP General , a year ago

How to pass arguments to a function in PHP?

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2 answers

by ryan.murray , a year ago


In PHP, you can pass arguments to a function by specifying them inside the parentheses when you define the function. Here's an example:

function myFunction($arg1, $arg2) {
  // Code that uses $arg1 and $arg2

In this example, the myFunction function takes two arguments: $arg1 and $arg2. You can name the arguments anything you want, as long as they are valid variable names in PHP.

To call the function and pass arguments to it, you simply include the values of the arguments inside the parentheses when you call the function. For example:

myFunction("hello", 42);

In this example, we are calling the myFunction function and passing two arguments: the string "hello" and the integer 42.

When you call a function, the arguments you pass are assigned to the corresponding parameters in the function definition. In this example, $arg1 will be assigned the value "hello", and $arg2 will be assigned the value 42.


by deron , 8 months ago


To retrieve the passed arguments within the function, you can simply refer to them by their parameter names:

function myFunction($arg1, $arg2) {
  echo $arg1; // Output: hello
  echo $arg2; // Output: 42

You can also pass variables as arguments:

$name = "John";
$age = 25;

myFunction($name, $age);

In this case, the value of the $name variable will be assigned to the $arg1 parameter, and the value of the $age variable will be assigned to the $arg2 parameter within the myFunction function.

You can pass multiple arguments of different types, and even adjust the number of arguments the function can accept by making some parameters optional with default values.