How to optimize contains in oracle sql query?


by samara , in category: MySQL , 5 months ago

How to optimize contains in oracle sql query?

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1 answer


by lottie , 5 months ago


There are a few ways to optimize the use of the CONTAINS operator in Oracle SQL queries:

  1. Use function-based indexes: You can create a function-based index on the column used in the CONTAINS operator to speed up the search. This can significantly improve query performance, especially for large datasets.
  2. Use Oracle Text indexes: Oracle Text provides advanced indexing and querying capabilities for full-text searches. By creating a full-text index on the column used in the CONTAINS operator, you can improve search performance and accuracy.
  3. Use the LIKE operator for simple searches: If your search requirements are basic and do not require advanced full-text search capabilities, consider using the LIKE operator instead of CONTAINS. LIKE can be faster for simple pattern matching searches.
  4. Limit the search scope: If possible, limit the search scope by specifying additional conditions in the query to reduce the number of rows that need to be searched. This can help improve query performance when using the CONTAINS operator.
  5. Optimize the query execution plan: Make sure that the query execution plan is optimized for the CONTAINS operator by checking the query execution plan and making any necessary adjustments, such as adding or modifying indexes.

By implementing these optimization techniques, you can improve the performance of queries that use the CONTAINS operator in Oracle SQL.