How to install php libraries on xampp?


by mac , in category: PHP General , 7 months ago

How to install php libraries on xampp?

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1 answer


by shyann , 7 months ago


To install PHP libraries on XAMPP, you can follow these steps:

  1. Download the library: Go to the official website of the PHP library you need. Look for the download section and download the appropriate package for your operating system.
  2. Extract the library: Extract the downloaded package to a temporary location on your computer.
  3. Locate the PHP extension directory: Open your XAMPP installation folder and navigate to the "php" folder. Inside the "php" folder, find the "ext" folder. This is the directory where you need to place the library files.
  4. Copy the library files: In the extracted library package, you will find one or more files with the ".dll" extension (for Windows) or ".so" extension (for Linux). Copy these files and paste them into the "ext" folder.
  5. Update php.ini file: Inside the "php" folder, locate the "php.ini" file. Open it with a text editor. Look for the "Dynamic Extensions" section in the file. Add the following line for each library you want to install: extension=your_library_name Replace "your_library_name" with the name of the library file you copied to the "ext" folder.
  6. Save the changes and close the file.
  7. Restart Apache: Open the XAMPP Control Panel and stop Apache. Then, start Apache again. This step is necessary for the changes to take effect.

After following these steps, the PHP libraries should be installed and available for use in your XAMPP environment.