How to install Joomla on AWS?


by lottie , in category: Third Party Scripts , 8 months ago

How to install Joomla on AWS?

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1 answer

by jasen_gottlieb , 8 months ago


To install Joomla on AWS, follow the steps below:

  1. Create an AWS EC2 instance: Sign in to the AWS Management Console. Navigate to the EC2 service. Click on "Launch Instance" to start the instance creation process. Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that supports Joomla, such as the "Amazon Linux 2 AMI." Select an instance type and configure the instance details as per your requirements. Add storage, security groups, and other details as needed. Review and launch the instance.
  2. Connect to the EC2 instance: Once the EC2 instance is created, you can connect to it via SSH using an SSH client like PuTTY (for Windows) or Terminal (for macOS/Linux). Instructions for connecting to the instance using SSH can be found in the AWS documentation.
  3. Install LAMP stack: Update the package manager using the following command: sudo yum update -y Install the Apache web server, MariaDB (MySQL-compatible database), and PHP using the following command: sudo yum install httpd mariadb-server php php-mysqlnd -y Start the Apache web server and enable it to start on boot: sudo systemctl start httpd sudo systemctl enable httpd Start the MariaDB server and enable it to start on boot: sudo systemctl start mariadb sudo systemctl enable mariadb Secure the MariaDB installation by running the following command and answering the prompted questions: sudo mysql_secure_installation
  4. Configure the firewall: Open port 80 (HTTP) and optionally port 443 (HTTPS) in the AWS Security Group associated with the EC2 instance.
  5. Download and extract Joomla: Change to the /var/www/html directory: cd /var/www/html Download the latest Joomla release using the following command (replace x.x.x with the version number): sudo wget{x.x.x}/joomla_{x.x.x} Extract the downloaded zip file: sudo unzip joomla_{x.x.x}
  6. Set permissions: Set appropriate ownership and permissions for Joomla files with the following commands: sudo chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html
  7. Configure the Joomla database: Access the MySQL command line using the following command: sudo mysql -u root -p Create a new database for Joomla using the following command (replace yourdatabase with your desired name): CREATE DATABASE yourdatabase CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; Create a new MySQL user and grant necessary privileges using the following command (replace youruser and yourpassword with your desired username and password): CREATE USER 'youruser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON yourdatabase.* TO 'youruser'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; EXIT;
  8. Complete the Joomla installation: Open a web browser and access your EC2 instance's public IP or domain name. Follow the Joomla installation wizard instructions, providing the necessary information, including database details: Database Type: Select "MySQLi." Host Name: Enter localhost. Username: Enter the MySQL user you created in step 7. Password: Enter the password for the MySQL user. Database Name: Enter the name of the database you created in step 7. Complete the installation and remove the installation folder when prompted.

That's it! Joomla should now be installed and ready to use on your AWS EC2 instance. Remember to regularly update Joomla and maintain system security.